Friday, January 16, 2009

Jet lag

first, I am really really tired.  I haven't really slept in a few days.  I got 10 minutes of sleep last night, then a few hours of crappy sleep on the plane.  Now I'm in Los Angeles and messed up by the time difference.  

Lets think about this.  The time difference between PA and CA is 3 hours.  The difference between PA and Sydney is 14 hours!!   that is CRAZY!!!

but yeah, I'm still alive and have a weekend of fun in LA before I head off to Australia.  Yay!

10 things I want to do in LA:

1.  Drink American beer
2.  Eat great mexican food (seriously, do they have tacos in Australia???)
3.  Throw a cheeseburger at a celebrity that needs to be knocked down a peg
4.  Piss of Dodgers fans with my Phillies hat
5.  Get a haircut in Hollywood 
6.  Find Eagles fans to watch football with
7.  Watch my friend's band play live (
8.  Try and etch my name into the hollywood walk of fame.  You better hide your star Matt Damon!  I have a chisel and I'm not afraid to use it!
9.  Hang out with some great friends!!

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